Figma web design  -  Wire-framing & user testing  -  UX & UI design  -  Website building on​​​​​​​
"I enjoyed exploring different ways to communicate
complex information and it was fulfilling to see the final product come to life"
Graphic Designer at a:gain 
2023 - Present 
Copenhagen, Denmark 
Central proposition: How can we improve our company and product communication on our website to help generate more customer leads? 
Aim: Redesign the company website to align more with brand values and improve the visual hierarchy of information on product pages. 
Whilst working for a:gain I was project lead in re-design and relaunching a new company website. This consisted of the full design process, from creating wire-frames, test prototypes & mockups in Figma, to a full Figma prototype of the site. From the prototype, I worked together with our web developers to implement the site. Creating the site skeleton and then building up all the content in using custom-coded components. Then moving to responsiveness, final user testing and bug fixing. 
Website homepage 
Video walk-through

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